Cumberland Foundation Sponsors RCSJ Cumberland Zen Den
On December 6, RCSJ students, faculty and staff along with Cumberland County Campus Educational Foundation representatives joined together, in peace, at the Zen Den ribbon cutting ceremony. Zen Dens are evidence-based lounges in a college community that promote mindfulness and decrease stress. Students who have access to a Zen Den during their college experience have the benefit of increased energy and self-confidence to help them complete assignments and tasks quickly and efficiently. Zen Dens are quiet and soothing spaces for visitors to relax, meditate and take time for self-care. Equally as important, Zen Dens also provide a safe place for students and college staff to reflect and discuss their mental health. The combination of greater physical health, more confidence and increased empathy that students get from engaging in Zen practices, can lead to better mental health overall. The Zen Den will be located beside the RCSJ Cumberland Campus Cafeteria at the Student & Enrollment Services Center and will be available to all RCSJ Cumberland Campus students. The RCSJ Cumberland Adult Center for Transition (ACT) students will be monitoring the Zen Den as well as maintaining it. This is a much-needed lounge area to create an atmosphere that promotes the importance of students recognizing their mental health needs and ways that they can utilize coping skills. The RCSJ Cumberland ACT students express sincere gratitude to The Cumberland Foundation and all of the individuals that assisted in providing this safe space for all of the RCSJ Cumberland Campus students. For more information, visit: