School Counts! Scholarship Program Reception Held on March 11th, 2025
On Tuesday, March 11th 2025, the Cumberland County Campus Educational Foundation (CCCEF) held its School Counts! Scholarship Program reception honoring nearly 150 students for their honorable accomplishments.
The School Counts! scholarship was created by the Cumberland County College Foundation, now Cumberland County Campus Educational Foundation, in the year 2000. The scholarship program provides Cumberland residents with tuition and some fees paid to attend RCSJ. The Cumberland Campus Foundation Board of Directors had the foresight to see the power this program has had for 25 years. Since the inception of the program, over 3,500 students have been awarded the School Counts! Scholarship and over 400 businesses participate in School Counts! events and fundraisers each year.
This year marks our 25th anniversary of the School Counts! Scholarship Program for Cumberland County residents.
By achieving the School Counts! benchmarks, the students demonstrate that they are reliable, do quality work, do more than expected, and finish what they start. The concept is that if students demonstrate the four characteristics of attendance, rigor, quality and persistence, they will earn a certificate each year of high school and be awarded a School Counts! Scholarship to attend RCSJ Cumberland Campus. Cumberland students who earn all four certificates indicate they have the academics and job skills needed to be successful.
For more information about the School Counts! Scholarship Program, visit:
To see more photos of the event, visit: